We are looking for a highly motivated and resourceful Technical Lead / SR Full-stack developer to help build our web app in a rapidly growing startup environment.

Required skills and experience:

- Bilingual level of ENGLISH.

- Minimum 1 year as a TEAM LEAD and mentor of at least 3+ engineers.

- Back-end: Python, Flask 

Front-tend: HTML/CSS, JavaScript and frameworks.

Contact Us: rrhh@impactotalent.com


Your responsibilities: 

You will spend 20-25% of your time managing and the rest contributing: 

- Helping deliver a web app with semantic, robust, well-documented, and obsessively maintainable code.

- Collaborating and communicating with other developers in various areas of the stack. 

- Maintaining and extending existing codebase, but also implementing forward-thinking web technologies and improving the team’s development workflow.

Your team:

- Current development team is 3 engineers and 1 product designer.

Required skills

-6+ years of front-end experience using standard front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap
-6+ years of back-end experience using Python and Flask
-Proficiency in collaborating using Git and GitHub
-Experience in using and designing robust and scalable REST APIs
-Experience with responsive design and mobile-first methodology
-Experience using Gulp to streamline front-end build processes
-Tenacity to learn (self-teach) and take initiative
-Experience being a lead developer and mentoring other JR engineers.

Preferred Qualifications

-Interest/familiarity in machine learning along with related AI and mathematical concepts
-A keen eye for beautiful design and experience with graphic design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator is a huge plus
-Experience using SMACSS to structure SASS for flexibility and maintainability
-Experience in applying fundamental software design and architectural patterns for building product
-Experience using Heroku and AWS
-Experience building within microservices-oriented architecture
-Experience with the Agile development model (SCRUM)

Send your English resume to: rrhh@impactotalent.com

python javascript remoto flask lead english remote leader
Datos de la oferta laboral

Última Modificación
15/10/2022 10:54
Lugar de trabajo
Remote Job
Impacto Talent
Permite trabajar remoto
Experiencia Requerida
Modalidad de Trabajo
Tipo de Contratación
Rango Salarial
  • rrhh@impactotalent.com